Good Ol' Senators Fans Are Very Happy To Be Moving On To The Conference Final, Happier To Obey Traffic Laws As Well

That’s just Ontario for ya, eh? Like when the boys used to play a little ball hockey after school and had to put the game on hold every time a car drove by. This is Canada. And in Canada, you wear shirts and ties, you don’t fake an injury, and you obey the laws of the road. Unless you’re in Vancouver and your team just lost the Stanley Cup. Then it’s chaos and you flip cop cars over and set everything on fire. But Vancouver is hardly Canada anyway. These good people of Ottawa just witnessed their Senators upset the Rangers and most likely shut and lock any window that the Henrik Lundqvist era had left. So what do they do? Take a quick trip over to Timmy’s to grab a coffee since it’s gonna be a late night, head out to the streets and party their ass off–whenever there’s a red light. Once the light is green you have to let your fellow buddies get to wherever they’re heading. You can’t be holding up traffic. That’s not being a good citizen. But as soon as that light is red again? Have yourself a night, Ottawa. Have a night.


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